- Don’t hesitate to email the R&D Department if you are facing financial difficulties or require more information about therapy.
- Email Support for paid therapy options.
- You can WhatsApp to inquire about starting online therapy as well.
- Inquire about career and internship opportunities.
- Didn’t find what you were looking for?
Tell Support what you need and we will add that service or redirect you.
Gifts & More
Click here to inquire how to gift online therapy sessions and personalised toolkits. Select from a range of gift cards, monthly plans and hourly sessions.
Your Mental Health Matters!
Visit the Self Help Shop Today!
Talk to our representatives and find out which therapy would best suit your needs. Email therapists@whjonline.com and arrange a consultation.
Discuss with us how our services can help you individually, your family or at the workplace. Individual or couples therapy ranges from 30 to 60 minutes. On the other hand, therapeutic group sessions range from 90 to 120 minutes.
All Insurances Might Not Reimburse Online Therapy But Don't Worry, We Give Freebies to Our Clients.